"Hexagonal circle elements 9x9 (horizontally)" Inspiration: • One of my pixel art techniques I used in old school 16-/32-bit demos (while drawing by hand circular 'bobs' alike sprites with very smooth -often antialiased- size variations, although a more conventional or geometrically-correct process might take advantage of very precise computer-generated squares in rotation here). • Not related to the basic disc kernels in morphology of shapes (automated image processing and recognition - doc created on 2010-01-04 by Anthony Thyssen and Fred Weinhaus): http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/morphology/#disk • Not related to GitHub's Identicons (algorithmically generated, user hash-based 5x5 default sprite avatars - service started on 2013-08-14 by jasonlong): https://github.com/blog/1586-identicons Licenses: • Public domain (this series of images only) • Copyright ("horizontally" in the filename) dpla 2018-01&02 PS In the meantime of this late release, I could retrocode a nice Sinclair BASIC program that pseudo-randomly creates selectable icons from two or more single-glyph 8x8 characters present in the standard Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K ROM. The more 'OVER 1' mixing, the more noisy it gets, which is not surprising when one reminds e.g. the necessity of a natural threshold of 'blockyness' (artificial shapes or continuous surfaces), in the expected fields of pictures (visual frequency + imagination). This customizable and parametric piece of code will be shared too, a.s.a.p. A more advanced application is still in my coding projects: providing procedurally assembled characters and sceneries from 1-bit pixel art elements via masking layers and bitwise operations (rotations etc. included), so that e.g. our new Speccy games get a lot more varied and living (in their detailed, half hand-made graphics) than what we got used to until now (mainly because of limited RAM/compression concerns). Besides, the current 'hexagonal-circles' folder is temporarily missing a couple of sub-projects. At least: 'hexagonal-pattern-elements-3x3-horizontally-by-dpla' (they need to be procedurally generated and may look like the old 'fill patterns' from the raster editors), and some photo conversion using 256 grays with this hexagonal lattice (I already uploaded to dpla.fr the related animation, named "256 1-bit 16x16 dot halftones by dpla - ani.gif", which fills a square surface in a circular way). If the hexagonal layout does not fit well our orthogonal displays and digital memories, it helps our creativity all the same. dpla 2018-11-23